Last year when OH’s cousin Jim passed away at the very young age of 36, it really brought it home that life is short.
Yes it really is, if you stop and think about it for a few moments. How quickly has 2012 gone by? Have you noticed that as you are getting older, the time seems to move much faster? Have you found yourself remarking that ‘crumbs, 2013 came around awful quick’? That’s life being short, that’s life moving fast and if we’re not careful there will be things we wanted to do but ‘didn’t find the time for’…I really dislike that excuse. So it frustrates me when people say, oh life isn’t short at all. In the grand scheme of things, yes it is, we are here for a fleeting moment so let’s make the most of it!

Sorry, getting on my soap box again, aren’t I?
Where was I? Oh yes, so after Jim passed away, I decided to finally make a list of all the things I wanted to try, and to carry on adding to it. I have started to put them on a board on my Pinterest account (feel free to have a browse around my mad pinnings if you’re a Pinterest pin-er). One of the ones on my written list was rock climbing.
I have a very rational fear of falling and hitting the ground as a sloppy mess, I dislike heights for the most part as well but this is something that I know I can get over with some work, the fear of falling though I’m not so sure. CJ and I were looking for something different to do as part of my belated birthday treat. The downside of having a birthday so close to Christmas is that it’s usually difficult to get everyone together to do something, as we’re gigging or there are office parties, or a myriad of other things… oh and Christmas itself of course. So I tend to not really bother celebrating my birthday, but this last year I decided it’s worth doing something to mark the occasion, even if I have to leave it a month or so.

So we had decide we would try rock climbing, and as luck would have a coupon for a sizeable discount appeared in our inboxes from one of those coupon companies the very next day. I rang the climbing centre and instead of £12 for a taster, it was £5 each. Wonderful, it appears the Universe agreed that we should go and give it a try. (I love little signals like that, coincidence or not, it doesn’t matter I still take it as a sign it’s the right move).
Off we went to Boulders in Cardiff to have an hour and half taster session of indoor climbing. And you know something it wasn’t as bad as we anticipated. Neither of us froze on the wall. Neither of us screamed to be taken down. And although some of the climbs were more difficult than others, we attempted them all and did the best we could. And that’s something to be very proud of, by both of us for both of us. We didn’t give up, we didn;t stand hands on hip looking blankly at the wall thinking ‘there is no whay we can do this’. Oh no, we took the walls on and no matter what we were going to keep giving it a go.
It’s the first ‘done that’ on that bucket list. And why not? Life is meant to be lived, enjoyed and filled to the brim with the good stuff. In my last entry, I talked about celebrating the little things, and this is one of those things that I can now look back on and say ‘I did that, I took on a fear of mine and I proved I can do anything’. We celebrated as only we girls know how, with a coffee anda small slice of cake for me and a panini for CJ, and talked about all the other stuff that we want to do together and with our respective OHs.
Sometimes we have to go out of our comfort zone to truly know what we are capable of, and you may surprise yourself at how strong, determined, and daring you can be. So the bucket list is filling up with the crazy, the cool, the scary and the silly and I’m looking forward to ticking more off.
Until next time, be kind to yourselves