About a year ago a friend of mine sent me a video on Facebook, all about a series of obstacle course races that happen across the globe.
I watched in wonder at this madness that had people crawling through pits of mud, under barbed wire, and grinning like utter loons while doing so. What was this wondrous thing, and was it available in the UK?
Well it turns out that, yes, the Spartan Series and Tough Mudder are both in the UK. For those of you who follow this blog, you know I love crazy ways of keeping fit and what is more crazy than taking on a series of obstacle courses over varying distances in a metric tonne of mud? The Sprint is the smaller of the three main Spartan races, and is a 5km run with 15 or more obstacles. If there is an obstacle that you just can’t complete then you have the option to do burpees. And this will come as a huge surprise to many but I fricking LOVE burpees. Plyometric and strength conditioning with core stability all in one fluid movement, what’s not to love?

So here I am, typing on my trusty iPad, in the car enroute to my first ever Spartan Sprint. Am I nervous? A little. Am I excited? Hell yes. I’m all about embracing the fear and pushing yourself that little further. Now to just get through the never ending stream of roadworks on the M50/M5 and we’re all set 😉
For all my fellow chicks who are losing their sparkle this weekend, good on ya girls, I’ll see you at the finish line 😀
Will blog with pictures if I survive 😉
As always, be kind to yourself
Much love