…and some shameless self promotion.

So, as some may have spotted, my streams have become very haphazard over the last few months. Mainly because there have been so many things going on that I’ve been absolutely shattered so haven’t had the energy or work has taken over and I’ve finished with only minutes to go before go live. So I’ve decided to do ad-hoc streams while summer is here and will return to a more structured format mid Sept. I’ll post on socials when I plan to go live but I am looking at updating the stream graphics to give a more polished look to the streams.
Soon available for VO work
I’ve finished my vocal booth for cutting vocal demos for the band, perhaps even doing the vocal stems for future albums and for my branching out into Voice Acting. I’ve also finished my first course with those lovely folks at BRAVA and am looking at dates to book cutting my demo reel. It’s all very exciting. Once I get my demo reel done, then I can start auditioning for VO work.

This new venture has been a lesson in patience. Usually when I stick my teeth into something new, I want to do it all immediately. That cannot be done with VO. You have to have the demo reel to send on to prospective clients, and you have to audition your arse off. It all takes time and being prepared for knock-backs (well, I’ve been in music for over 30 years, I’m used to those). I also need professional headshots done, which I’ve already booked in for and am excited to do. It’s not a quick process but it is one worth doing properly. So I am now looking at saving for my next course, which will enable me to apply for Commercial VO gigs and I am hoping to get that done this side of Christmas. Then it’s into characters, the bit I really want to get stuck into.
Having the vocal booth is a huge plus. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to sort? It is possibly my most favourite space in the house. Typically, I finish the booth and we have a heatwave, so it’s been used minimally at the moment as it’s too hot in there but I am trying to maintain at least 30mins of VO practice a day, to ensure I keep the muscle memory topped up.
Covers galore
On top of branching into VO work, it’s also enabling me to get to grips with using my DAW software more effectively and I’m learning about basic mixing so that I can produce some covers. I’m not very good at this, at the moment, but with practice I’ll get better. At the moment I am enjoying the experience. If you’d like to listen to the Pat Benetar cover I did, you can do so below, and also there’s an acoustic cover of Skunk Anansie’s Weak that Matt and I did before I got my booth, and you can tell haha! I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you to ‘like and subscribe’ if you’d be so kind!
There will be more covers to come, in fact I am listening, as I write, to another song that Matt and I are doing an acoustic cover for but more on that soon. In the meantime, I’ll keep on creating some covers while also writing for the band. The songwriting is going well. We are working on a few new tracks and hoping to be a position to start planning recording the first full album soon. As always, more on that, gigs, etc via the Rites to Ruin website.
‘…And I’m feeling good’

Outside of all that, I’ve not been to the gym since I got back from Bloodstock, which was amazing but also incredibly hot but I’m not too worried about that as it’s been a time. It was amazing to be back at a festival and see people, some who we’d not see for a year and, in some cases, even longer. But menopause issues have absolutely wiped me out this week. Goodness me, no one prepares you for the absolute shit storm the change in hormones brings, but there we go. There’s my monthly whinge 😉
For this year’s Bloodstock, I ditched my regular look of Jeans and T and dug out all those lovely things I say I want to wear and never have the confidence to do so…well, bitch just took charge and said a giant fuck it. I felt absolutely fierce and the compliments I had gave me a much needed ego boost. Thank you to everyone who left a lovely comment on any of my instagram pictures, it did make me smile a lot and you’re all so very lovely. Oh yes, and I changed my hair again. The red has gone and I’m back in black, to steal a song title.

So, that’s the update. I’m trying to blog more regularly, than I have in a long time, and it will take me a while to get back into it and there’ll be covers in between writing stuff for the band. Now it’s time to pack my bag for D&D at a friend’s this weekend and then to prepare for Larp soon. I may even get in the gym in between the two, who knows??
Until next time, you beautiful people, be kind to yourselves. You rock!
Much love,