Yes I know, isn’t it mad how time flies?
One year ago today I launched my little corner of the inter web, in the hope that some of what I have learned in this tough, long, draining, elating, joyous, trying, testing, educational, but ultimately life changing (and for the better) journey, may be of help to someone who stumbled upon it in their research for their own. Little did I know that deciding to write the blog would change my life in the way it has.
I have always excepted the journey of weight loss itself to be one that would have the inevitable ups and downs, that things would change not only in the shape and size of the person on the journey but also inside the mind of the person walking this path. I knew when I started back in 2006 that this was a complete change in my life and that no matter how long it would take, it was going to happen and I was going to have to accept change.

What I wasn’t expecting were the emails from people asking for my advice, the people in the gym classes asking me to breakdown the routines because I seemed to get them quickly, the people in the fitness room asking me to spot and support them as a gym buddy. I certainly wasn’t expecting people to start telling me their fears and aspirations and how my few words in this dusty corner were helping them in some way.
I know the cynics out there will roll their eyes and say ‘oh but bloggers write to gain that attention from the off’, but not always. The web is a wonderful place but like every village it has it’s idiots. It does afford us smaller folk the ability to say something that we think is worthwhile and maybe something that someone else may think is worthwhile too. The blog started as a way to keep myself accountable. It started as a way for me to really have to face up to the reminder of the journey that I had committed myself to and yet was stumbling upon. It was a tool for me to ensure that I kept on track and that the world and it’s Mum could ensure if I floundered there would be someone saying ‘Come on kiddo up you get’. After all falling down is the easy part.

Since I started the blog much has changed. I went through a period of mental change, hitting my lowest point in August and realising that I was the only person with the power to really make a difference not only in my body shape and size but in my happiness and mindset. Once I realised that for change to happen and that I had to create who I wanted to be (after all if we’re hiding we’re not moving forward and to move forward you have to create), and not a false image that I was hiding behind, things were still scary but a whole lot less stressful. Now the journey was tinged with a certain excitement. After a that low point in August I decided that I would actually make a career out of the whole weight loss and lifestyle change and start to get proper qualifications in fitness and nutrition to back up my own research and advice. At the start of this month I launched the website, and although it’s still under construction for the final part of the venture (the personal training and weight loss coaching arm), the scary excitement is now more of a ‘wow I can actually do this’ kind of feeling.

Add to that that I lost over another stone in weight and I finally broke the 80 lbs lost barrier, this last year has definitely been one of serious change. So here we go for the final hurdle of the last stone (and a bit) to get me to the weight that I want to be at. Here’s to more fitness qualifications and more strings to my bow. Here’s to the music side of my life that is going from strength to strength. And most of all here’s to you dear reader, for sharing in a part of my journey. After all without you reading these ramblings and sending me your questions and messages, I don’t think I would have ever had that brainwave back in August 2011 that has lead me down this new path. So thank you very much for all your comments, tweets, Facebook messages and emails. They have been very welcomed and very inspiring. I mean that with all sincerity.
So a year gone, here’s to another one, here’s to some mad cap adventures along the way but mainly here’s to health and happiness.
Be kind to yourself, always.
Much love